Financial assistance is provided to build capabilities through state and federal funding. Focused solely on non-disaster grants, this page contains the standard forms and resources you will need to successfully apply, manage, and close-out your grant.

Questions specific to your local grant should be directed to the program contact identified in your Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO).

See the  Available Grants  page for current grant opportunities.

Non-Disaster Grant Summaries

Computer & Hazmat Equipment Grant (CHEG)

Provides grant funds to county emergency management offices to support the purchase of eligible computer and hazmat equipment for a county sponsored hazmat team. Counties without a county sponsored hazmat team are eligible for the computer portion of the grant only. This grant program is funded by the State of Wisconsin’s general-purpose revenue (GPR). Please visit the EPCRA Grants webpage for more information. 

Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG)

Provides grant funds to county and tribal emergency management offices to develop a Plan of Work (POW) that accomplishes requirements for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), State of Wisconsin statutes, and the Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) program. This grant program is funded by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA).

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Planning Grant

Provides grant funds to county emergency management offices for eligible expenses that support the Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPC) completion of required Plan-Of-Work (POW) hazardous materials planning and preparedness activities. Grant awards are formula based and are funded by EPCRA program fees. Please visit the EPCRA Grants webpage for more information. 

Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness (HMEP)

Provides grant funds to local government for training, exercise, and planning projects that involve the transportation of hazardous materials. Training and exercise grants fund eligible training for public sector employees to respond to incidents involving the transportation of hazardous materials. Training should be developed and delivered in accordance with requirements for emergency responders under National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard 470, and should enhance the capabilities of states, territories, and Native American governments. Planning grants are for funding approved projects that focus on hazardous materials transportation. This grant program is funded by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT). Please visit the Hazardous Materials Training webpage for more information. 

Homeland Security (HS)

Provides funding to support terrorism prevention projects that are directly tied to capability gaps identified in the Threat and Hazard Identification Report (THIRA), the State Preparedness Report (SPR), and priorities and needs established in the State Homeland Security Council’s State Homeland Security Strategy. This grant program is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Please visit the  WEM Homeland Security webpage for additional information.  

State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program

In coordination with the Department of Administration’s (DOA) Division of Enterprise Technology (DET), this grant program provides funding to state, local, and tribal units of government for projects that increase resilience to cybersecurity threats. Funding will be provided in four distinct cycles with cost sharing requirements of 30%, and 40% in cycle 3 and 4. This grant program is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Please visit  DET Cybersecurity Grants for more information on cybersecurity and this grant program. 

Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP)

Provides funding for nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of a terrorist attack to support security enhancements. The grant is funded by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Please visit the NSGP webpage for additional information.  

Technical Assistance

The Egrants User Guide provides technical assistance to applicants and subrecipients of grants administered through WEM’s online grant management system

The Fiscal Report in Egrants is where you will submit your request for reimbursement. 

Resources for federally-funded grants

This document is provided as a quick reference to the federal procurement standards and requirements for current and potential recipients or subrecipients of federal financial assistance.

WEM’s reference guide to create your user account, register your entity, and submit your notarized letter for the System for Award Management

FEMA has the statutory authority to deliver numerous disaster and non-disaster financial assistance programs in support of its mission, and that of the Department of Homeland Security, largely through grants and cooperative agreements. These programs account for a significant amount of the federal funds for which FEMA is accountable

The executive branch of the federal government publishes the federal regulations regarding federal financial assistance which is available online through this website. The regulations are required of all federal agencies and passed through to WEM and any entity that receives funding.