When an emergency occurs, each state agency carries out its responsibilities independent of other agencies.
The activities of state agencies must be closely coordinated if the state is to respond effectively.
The purpose of the State Emergency Operations Center is to facilitate that coordination.
current status
The EOC status is currently Level 5.
24-Hour Duty Officer: 1-800-943-0003
Level 1 is a full activation of the State EOC with WEM, DMA, DHS (Dept. of Health Services), DNR, DOT Highways, State Patrol, DATCP, and DOC having representatives in the EOC. Other state agencies and volunteer organizations will be requested to send representatives to the EOC depending on the nature of the event and the need for additional support to local jurisdictions.
Level 2 is a Expanded activation of the State EOC with WEM, DMA, DHS, DNR, DOT Highways, State Patrol, and voluntary organizations having representatives in the EOC.
Level 3 event will have Partial activation of the EOC. This activation is intended to actively monitor Severe Weather conditions in the state. Partial WEM staff will report to the EOC to be able to more effectively monitor weather conditions in the state. At this level of event local units of government are not asking for state assistance or resources. Upon notification that a community has been damaged by severe weather the EOC will go to Level 2 activation.
Level 4 is when the SEOC operates in an enhanced monitoring mode for small-scale incidents involving limited geographical areas and/or resource requests. The WEM Duty Officer creates a WebEOC site for the incident and staff are notified. Staff participate from remote locations and continue to monitor and contribute to the site. Staff maintains communication with affected jurisdictions and coordinates resource requests.
The WEM Duty Officer is on call 24 hours a day to receive calls from counties and local jurisdictions relating to emergency situations. A member of WEM management is also on call as the Senior Duty Officer to provide management direction to the Duty Officer when necessary. The WEM Duty Officer and Senior Duty Officer continuously monitor events around the state through frequent contacts with the National Weather Service, DOT, and County Emergency Management offices.
Consideration for Determining Event Levels
The following factors will be considered in determining the level of the event and subsequent EOC activation.
Other severe weather factors: