MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced additional efforts to distribute personal protective equipment (PPE) to schools, food processors, and businesses across the state. Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) will begin shipping more than 2 million cloth face masks and more than 4,200 infrared thermometers to K-12 public, charter, and private schools throughout the state.
MADISON, Wis. – As the Independence Day holiday approaches, ReadyWisconsin is encouraging everyone to keep their celebrations safe this summer.
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today applauded the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) on their diligent response to the COVID-19 pandemic, as June 21 marked the 100th day that the SEOC has been activated in response to the pandemic. This is the longest continuous activation in Wisconsin history.
MADISON, Wis. – When thunder roars, go indoors! ReadyWisconsin is urging everyone to make sure they know what to do when they see lightning or hear thunder nearby. Lightning Safety Awareness Day in Wisconsin is Tuesday, June 23.
MADISON - Dr. Darrell Williams, Wisconsin Emergency Management administrator, discusses PPE, COVID-19 testing sites and Alternate Care Facilities.
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MADISON—Gov. Tony Evers today announced a robust $1 billion statewide effort to support COVID-19 testing, contact tracing, acquisition of needed supplies, emergency operations, and resources for local communities throughout Wisconsin.
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced additional community testing events in northwest Wisconsin. The State Emergency Operations Center, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Wisconsin Emergency Management, and Wisconsin National Guard are working with local health departments to create community testing events in places with a known lack of access to testing or where additional testing is needed because of high rates of COVID-19.
MADISON — Gov. Tony Evers today announced that the State Emergency Operations Center, Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS), Wisconsin Emergency Management, and Wisconsin National Guard are working with local health departments to create community testing events in places with a known lack of access to testing or additional testing is needed because of high rates of COVID-19.
MADISON – Gov. Tony Evers today announced the another turn of the dial in expanding allowed operations for nonessential businesses, providing even more opportunities for businesses to get back to work in a safe and responsible way.
MADISON, Wis - Dr. Darrell L. Williams, Wisconsin Emergency Management Administrator, reaches out to Wisconsinites detailing his agency's efforts within the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) and resilience during COVID-19.