When an emergency occurs, each state agency carries out its responsibilities independent of other agencies.
The activities of state agencies must be closely coordinated if the state is to respond effectively.
The purpose of the State Emergency Operations Center is to facilitate that coordination.
SEOC Levels
Level 1 : Full State/Federal Response
- A full activation of the State EOC occurs to support complex incidents involving multiple jurisdictions. It involves federal agency assistance when the incident overwhelms the state’s ability to respond.
Level 2 : Partial SEOC Response
- There is dedicated support for smaller-scale incidents where one or a few local jurisdictions may be overwhelmed and request state level support.
Level 3 :Expanded Monitoring and Support
- Enhanced level of monitoring for ongoing or anticipated events that may require additional staffing to support. Assigned staff may still be supporting daily operations.
Level 4 : Active Monitoring and Support
- Staff are actively monitoring severe weather conditions and other emerging threats. Incident support coordination occurs as needed.
Consideration for Determining Event Levels
The following factors will be considered in determining the level of the event and subsequent EOC activation.
Other severe weather factors: