Warning and Communications Program works with a variety of federal, state, local government agencies, volunteer groups and private industry in providing emergency communications in Wisconsin regardless of the type of disaster or emergency.
WEM also has the capability to activate Wisconsin ARES/RACES amateur radio volunteers to provide backup radio communications. Volunteers provide countless hours testing equipment in the WEM Radio Room and stand ready to provide communications should primary communications fail.
In addition, Wisconsin Emergency Management has a Mobile Command Center that can be taken anywhere in the State to provide communications for emergency relief efforts.
The Wisconsin Field Operations Guide (WI-FOG) is a collection of radio communications technical reference material for emergency responders. It contains national and state interoperability radio channels and procedures.
Wisconsin State Emergency Operations Center Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) Transition
Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM) will transition to the Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOMM) program for WEM communication operations in the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) Communications Room and WEM response missions on January 1, 2025. Currently, Wisconsin Amateur Radio Emergency Service /Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service personnel assist WEM during activations and response missions.
Auxiliary communicators will need to be trained, certified, and recognized through the AUXCOMM program. Individuals that are seeking deployment to the SEOC will need to complete an additional task book to ensure they are knowledgeable with the Communications Room systems and operations.
WEM requires a valid amateur radio license and SEOC AUXCOMM members will be required to have a valid amateur radio license and must be recognized as a Wisconsin AUXCOMM member or be working towards AUXCOMM recognition. WEM will solicit volunteers throughout the state to staff the SEOC Communications Room. A roster of field responders on a variety of radio systems including public safety, amateur and federal radio systems will be maintained by WEM.
Individuals who have questions about the AUXCOMM transition should contact Paul Hughes ( Paul.Hughes@widma.gov) or Larry Dudzinski ( Larry.Dudzinski@widma.gov).