Due to the phasing out of support for the DataCard CP80 Plus Printer, WEM will continue to provide CP80-compatible laminate to agencies using this hardware until FY2020 or as inventory lasts — whichever occurs first.
Wisconsin Emergency Management (WEM), in partnership with the Wisconsin Homeland Security Council and the state’s emergency response community, maintains and supports the Wisconsin Credentialing and Asset Management System (WI-CAMS). WI-CAMS provides county emergency managers and emergency response agencies the ability to rapidly identify, qualify and validate responders, and track assets on scene with complete incident visibility.
WI-CAMS is a multi-purpose tool available to link and coordinate local, tribal, county, state, nonprofit and private sector agencies with incident commanders and emergency response assets. WI-CAMS defines people assets through credentialing – a process of identifying, qualifying and validating personnel – and further defines assets by equipment and capability through the National Incident Management (NIMS)-compliant system of categorization (category, type, and kind) response resources.
Resource information is collected and stored in the SalamanderLive™ web application and shared through the interTRAX®exchange system. SalamanderLive™ is the resource asset enrollment system in which qualification attributes are registered. SalamanderLive™ also grants field access to virtual incident data through the 02 TRACK solution, a mobile phone and tablet computer application for Android and iOS devices. Local system administrators have the ability to grant and subsequently revoke application access to a mobile user in the field. 02 TRACK users can access the interTRAX®exchange server through wireless connectivity points or through cellular data. The 02 TRACK solution provides a cost-effective alternative to the real-time accountability and tracking features previously provided through scanning hardware.
interTRAX®exchange is a web-based tracking system that provides agencies the ability to track the people and assets on the scene of an incident. This solution provides the opportunity to predict possible needs and effectively manage resources required at an incident.

Resources in SalamanderLive™ are typed by the FEMA Tier I NIMS standards. Assets that fall outside those standards are given state-specific Tier II types as defined by the subject matter experts in the appropriate statewide discipline/Emergency Support Function (ESF).
Several states have implemented accountability and credentialing systems in accordance with NIMS, NFPA and their state’s homeland security strategies. WI-CAMS builds on these state systems and the standardized card design, as determined by Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 201-2, to provide the entire state of Wisconsin interoperability with other states during a disaster response.
As of 2018, WI-CAMS contains over 20,000 credentialed personnel, with system adoption from multiple state agencies and over 40 counties.